
Create the perfect hotel listing to drive conversions

Renyoo Blog image-Create the perfect hotel listing to drive conversions
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When it comes to planning travel or a vacation, we turn to the internet as our first source of information. According to Google’s Road To Decision study, we research hotels and restaurants online, even before we turn to family and friends.

It’s evidently clear that in 2019, the one thing that Hotel and Restaurant owners need to care about most is their online listing. Data suggests that 65% of traveler’s search online before they decide where to stay, eat, or even visit. A great digital listing of your Hotel or Restaurant means better business, more bookings, and an evergreen pipeline of prospects.

Contextual listings are helping solve the ‘Trust’ problem

The problem with conventional online listings is that there’s only so much that can be conveyed through pictures. Often there’s a lot of special features that are the USP of your establishment that can’t be highlighted just through pictures and text and need the essential element of ‘Context’.

Travelers of today want to spend their days at properties that have character and a story to tell. Ever engaged in creating and narrating their everyday experiences via social media, the modern traveler in on the lookout for places or experiences that have a story weaved into them.

Gone are the days when throwing up pictures of rooms and amenities sufficed for guests to make up their mind. Today, only the listings that truly stand out, help the customer decide, and create a lasting impact, end up making the cut.

Renyoo’s ‘Hotspots’ feature helps you do exactly that with ‘Rich’ listings. These listings help give your prospective customers the complete picture of your property. Hotspots allow you to embed and annotate the pictures on your listing whether it’s on your hotel’s website, blog, mailer or other digital properties with Audio, Video, Text, and URLs.

It opens up brand new avenues of storytelling that plain pictures just can’t compete with. Imagine if you could tell your prospective customers exactly what they’re getting for the price they pay and highlight special features like an Olympic size pool, Fully equipped gym with personalized training, the latest equipment, and a private sauna, a bar that has over 200+ varieties of vintage wine or even a Damien Hirst installation in the lobby.

Contextualized listings also help encourage transparency, when the exact amenities on offer, the square foot area of the room, the kind of drinks in the minibar and all the nitty gritty are clearly conveyed through a listing, there is less scope for customer disappointment.

Looking to create the perfect online listing for your Hotel or Restaurant? – Try out Renyoo for Business.

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